The weekly leaf collection service will begin the last week of October and continue through November weather permitting.
Residents are asked to follow a few simple guidelines to help keep this service cost-effective and efficient for all:
Leaves must be out no later than 7:30 AM on Mondays, in order to guarantee collection in that round.
Leaves should be placed on the tree lawn in neatly stacked piles.
(grass area within 10 feet of the pavement edge)
Where a ditch exists along the pavement edge, leaves should be placed
ON THE STREET SIDE of the ditch rather than behind or in the ditch.
Piles must be free of stumps, branches, grass clippings and other yard waste such as, briars, vines, and anything with thorns to be collected.
The Service Department will pick up only those materials that conform to the above guidelines.
For more information please contact
Service Director Sam Scaffide.
Phone: 440-232-8788 Ext. 116
E-mail: sscaffide@glenwillow-oh.gov Or Daryl Schultz
E-mail: dschultz@glenwillow-oh.gov
Phone: 440-232-8788 Ext. 119
or Lori at 440-232-8788
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