Click on the recycling/disposal category below to see detail.
For more information about Recycling, click here.
For a list of acceptable materials and unacceptable materials, click here.

Working Appliance Turn-in Program
Used appliances can be picked up in the regular curbside pickup by Republic Services. However, please call 216-441-6300 or 1-800-968-7789 to inform them that you will placing such items on the tree lawn. You will also receive any instructions about preparing the item for pickup from the customer service employee taking the call.
Recylcing Program:
Akron-based FirstEnergy is bringing back its popular appliance recycling program. The parent company of Ohio Edison on Wednesday relaunched its program that will give customers a $75 Visa gift card for any recycled refrigerator or freezer. Additionally, with a qualified recycled refrigerator or freezer, customers can get another $25 gift card for recycling a window air conditioning unit or a dehumidifier.
“Often, an outdated refrigerator either sits unused or is used for extra storage in a garage or basement,” said John Dargie, vice president, energy efficiency, in a news release. “Customers can now responsibly recycle their old refrigerators, which is good for the environment and can lead to energy savings. Refrigerators that are more than 10 years old can use twice the amount of energy of newer Energy Star models, resulting in savings of over $100 a year in energy costs.”
Here’s how it works:
You must be a customer of a FirstEnergy utility.
Refrigerators and freezers must be 10 to 30 cubic feet, plugged in, and operating (cooling) at the time of the scheduled pickup .
There’s a limit of two refrigerators/freezers plus up to two room air conditioners/dehumidifiers per calendar year.
To schedule a pickup, go to or call 1-888-321-4985.
A third-party company, Recleim LLC, will collect the appliances and administer the program.
Many unwanted books can be donated to local libraries, schools and community centers. For a list of these donation opportunities, call the Solid Waste District at (216) 443-3749 to request Pass It On: A Resource-Full Guide to Donating Usable Stuff. For a list of businesses in Cuyahoga County that recycle books, see our online Recycling Directory for Business & Industry.
You can find a charitable organization that accepts clothing donations by using the District’s book Pass It On: A Resource-Full Guide to Donating Usable Stuff, or drop off your clothing at one of the boxes located throughout Cuyahoga County for local non-profit organizations.
Paint cans with dried paint should be placed in your regular trash. Small quantities of paint and all latex paints can be air-dried and disposed in the trash. The Village sponsors a Hazardous Waste Collection Day in the spring each year. Items such as oil-based paint, pesticides, automotive fluids, and other hazardous products found in the home, will be accepted at that collection. Watch the newsletter for specific date and times of the collection. To dispose of items at other times during the year, go the to Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District website for information on the proper way to dispose of the items.
The Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District does not accept latex paint in the Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Program because it is not a hazardous material. Latex paint is safe to dispose with your household trash as long as it is solidified first. Here are step-by-step instructions on disposing of latex paint.
The Solid Waste Management District offers a free program to collect household mercury items from the public. Residents may turn in liquid mercury items at four locations in Cuyahoga County.
Compact fluorescent lamps and other energy-efficient lighting such as linear fluorescent and high intensity discharge (HID) lamps contain a very small amount of mercury. All fluorescent bulbs should be recycled properly to protect public health and the environment.
In December 2010, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released new guidelines on how to deal with mercury-containing compact fluorescent light bulbs that break in the home. CFLs contain a small amount of mercury sealed in the glass tubing. When broken, some of the mercury is released as mercury vapor. The EPA said the bulb will continue to leak mercury vapor until it is cleaned up and removed from the home.
Collection of this item is also done at Glenwillow’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection. Items are dropped off at the Recycling Center on Pettibone Road and disposed of properly by the Service Dept. employees. Please check the website or call Village Hall for the specific dates of the collection. It is usually held in the spring and fall of each year.
Never flush unwanted medicine.
- The Village has established a drop off box for unwanted medicines in the lobby at Village Hall, 29555 Pettibone Road. The lobby is open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday. The public is invited to drop off any unused prescriptions in the box. You may remove all information from the bottles.
- For any questions or to make arrangements for drop offs after hours please contact Lori Pepera at 440-232-8788.
- Sharps and needles from home injections should be placed in a rigid plastic container such as a laundry detergent container then sealed securely and placed in the trash.
Needles should NEVER be placed in your curbside recycling.
Click here for more information.

The Village will provide an on-site secure shredding vehicle. This will provide residents the opportunity to bring material that is personal and confidential to the site to have it shredded while they watch.
Identity theft can happen to anyone. Shredding your personal documents reduces the chances that you will become a victim. A breach of someone’s identity can have a great impact on personal wealth along with the added cost to re-establish one’s identity & credit issues that arise. It’s also a great way to reduce clutter.
Shredding will take place at the new Service Center at 28555 Pettibone Road.
* If you are a Senior Citizen and need help in disposing of any of the items above, please contact the Service Department
For more information, please contact
Service Director Mike Henry at
440-232-8788 or email
Funded by a grant from the Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District
The Solid Waste District holds the annual Phone Book Recycling Campaign from June 1-September 30 at twelve Cleveland Metroparks locations. In addition, many communities provide phone book recycling when the new books are delivered each summer. Check with your community.
Due to new government regulations regarding the safety devices on propane tanks, tanks with a round or star-shaped hand wheel have now been rendered obsolete. These old tanks cannot be refilled. Old cylinders can be exchanged at the store where the new tank is purchased. For more information or an exchange location near you, log onto or For a list of businesses in Cuyahoga County that dispose of propane tanks, see our online Recycling Directory for Business & Industry.
Collection of this item is also done at Glenwillow’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection. Items are dropped off at the Recycling Center on Pettibone Road and disposed of properly by the Service Dept. employees. Please check the website or call Village Hall for the specific dates of the collection. It is usually held in the spring and fall of each year.
Although it is legal to dispose of your ionization detector in the trash, we encourage you to return the product back to the manufacturer. The manufacturer is mandated by the Nuclear Regulatory law 10 CFR 32.27 to see that the radioactive waste is disposed at a nuclear waste disposal facility. When sending back a smoke detector, you should not take it apart. The entire smoke detector needs to be returned to the manufacturer or store by UPS ground mail (not air mail). The batteries, however, should be removed and properly disposed of. No special shipping is needed for your smoke detector. Just put it in a box, maybe with some newspaper for padding, and send it.
If you are unable to return a smoke detector to the manufacturer, it can be disposed of in the regular garbage. We do not accept smoke detectors in the Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Program.
Styrofoam is a trade name for expanded polystyrene (EPS). Locally, Styrofoam #6 EPS can be recycled at Buckeye Industries, 33851 Curtis Boulevard, Suite 207 in Eastlake. Office hours are M-F 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Buckeye Industries will take Styrofoam #6 EPS from individuals as well as businesses. Styrofoam contaminated with food or chemicals will not be accepted. The Styrofoam is processed through a densifier and is sold to a company that uses the product to make molded picture frames. For more information, call (440) 942-1605.
Styrofoam peanuts from packaging can be taken to Northcoast Recycling, 1305 Lloyd Road in Wickliffe. For more information, call (440) 943-6968. Packing peanuts can also be donated to a store that ship packages like the UPS stores, or reuse it as your own packing material.
While there is no ban in Ohio on placing televisions and electronics in the regular trash, there are retailers and local companies that offer recycling services for these items. A fee is usually charged. Best Buy stores will recycle your old television (up to 32”) for a $10 fee. In exchange, you receive a $10 Best Buy gift card. Log onto
When you buy new tires, dispose of your old tires through your tire retailer at the time of purchase. There is a small fee charged for tire disposal, which is used for transporting and disposing of tires through state licensed facilities. If you already have tires at home, contact one of the following three store chains who provide tire disposal for non-customers. These include Conrad’s Tire Express, Firestone Auto Care, and National Tire and Battery.
Collection of this item is also done at Glenwillow’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection. Items are dropped off at the Recycling Center on Pettibone Road and disposed of properly by the Service Dept. employees. Please check the website or call Village Hall for the specific dates of the collection. It is usually held in the spring and fall of each year.
This is a free service to the residents of Glenwillow. For more information, please contact the Service Director at 440-232-8788.
No Stumps – No Roots – No Foreign Matter
Nothing larger than 7 inches in diameter
Cut “Y” Shaped Branches in Two
No Firewood – No logs less than 4 feet long
Separate small from large branches
Face “Cut End” of branches towards the road
- Aluminum cans made from recycled aluminum release 40% less carbon emissions.
- Aluminum cans are made from 50% recycled aluminum.
- Steel cans made from recycled steel result in a 50% energy savings.
- Steel cans made from recycled steel emit 4 to 5 times less carbon.
- The steel industry claims that it is the number one recycled material in North America with a 68.7% recycling rate in 2006.
- Paper made from recycled paper results in a 64% energy savings.
- Recycling one ton of paper conserves 17 trees.
- Glass made from recycled glass results in a 50% energy savings.
- A ton of glass made from 50% recycled materials saves about 300 lbs. of mining waste.
- Plastic containers made from recycled plastic emit up to 8 times less carbon.
- Recycling a ton of PET containers saves 7.4 cubic yards of landfill space

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